Event Details
The Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong will organise a video conference on the topic of the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Members of the NHKBA can join the conference for free from the Netherlands.
As the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow, organisations across the globe find themselves in various stages of the crisis management lifecycle, with companies in China experiencing by far the most severe immediate impact. Business operations around the world have been hit to varying degrees by the spread of the virus and increasingly, government measures to contain it.
The speakers will highlight different angles.
Chairman of DutchCham, Ms Maaike van Meer will reveal the impact the outbreak has had so far on our members by sharing a summary of our recent survey. The second speaker is CEO of Gleneagles Hospital, Mr Dirk Schraven, who will zoom in on the overall response of Hong Kong healthcare system, its potential scenarios and bottlenecks and practical tips. Since it is impossible to predict the scope, severity and duration of the outbreak, companies will need to prepare for a protracted crisis that might last for months, with the emergence of a broad and complex set of challenges. The third speaker, Mr Kent Kedl from Control Risks, will share his analysis on the impact COVID-19 is having on businesses in Greater China and beyond and the key areas of focus for business leaders in the coming months.
7:30 AM - Welcome and opening virtual webinar
7:35 AM - Introduction by Ms Maaike van Meer, Chairman of the Dutch Chamber in Hong Kong
7:50 AM - Health impact by Mr Dirk Schraven, Chief Executive Officer at Gleneagles Hospital
8:05 AM - What to focus on and prepare for in the coming months by Mr Kent Kedl of Control Risks
8:20 AM - Q & A
NHKBA members can register for this free-of-charge webinar on our website and join the event either on mobile device or computer.
To register, please visit the following website: https://dutchchamhk.eventbank.com/event/20921/register/
Please note that registrants will receive the link one day before (March 18th) to join the video conference.